Friday, December 2, 2016

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

World browser apps tend to be named and marketed more around the term “augmented reality” than any of the other media-concepts… Therefore, if we must continue using the term “augmented reality,” if only for the sake of being recognized as a part of that conversation, we should do so with the understanding that ubiquitous networks of interactive, graphical overlays transform—not (only) augment—the very ontological categories/relations by which we come to advance claims about realities.  - All the World’s a Link: The Global Theater of Mobile World Browsers: John Tinnell (3)

 I remember when I was around eight years old when my mom bought me and my brother the newest 90’s toy craze the “View-Master”. The View-Master is the trademark name of a line of special-format stereoscopes and corresponding View-Master "reels", which are thin cardboard disks containing seven stereoscopic 3-D pairs of small color photographs on film.(1) It was a virtual reality system for me. I used to put in these “reels” and I could emerge myself in a new reality. My mom bought reels of my favorite disney movies, and I would look at them all the time. 

Identification is a key term for the discussion of rhetoric in Kenneth Burke′s A Rhetoric of Motives. He uses it to evaluate the Burke suggests that whenever someone attempts to persuade someone else, identification occurs, because for persuasion to occur, one party must "identify" with another. (2)  They were realities that I loved. I always felt that when I looked through the special “binoculars” I was transported into another place. I could feel the love of the characters, and I could understand what they felt. I loved it there.

We were asked in my english college class to play the game “Pokemon Go” I am not really a game person, but I gave it a “Go”. Like the View-Master I was transformed into another reality. I could captured cute creatures from another reality. I gained  experience  and gained points. I felt as I was eight again.Transformed into a reality that I loved, and I could identify with my avatar. 

This virtual game helped me realize that even in the smallest of circumstances I could see Burke’s Identification come to place. We as humans when transformed into this “augmented reality” come a part of this new reality, and we become to identify even as a new person.




Please check out Rebbecca Adams' blog here